*Pro: high HP and defense from shield, can easily tank bosses with aggro skills so your DD doesn't easily steal aggro from you *Secondary stats: STR (for damage), DEX (for accuracy) *Weapons: 1h longsword, 1h axe + shield (note: it's better to use longsword since Black Knight has longsword mastery as one of the merc skills) *Con: low accuracy makes you hit tons of misses *Pro: high damage per hit, better hp than the range DD to actually tank bosses *Secondary stats: DEX (for accuracy), VIT (for hp) *Armors: Plate Armors (best defense possible) *Weapons: 2h axe / 2h sword (not sure if you can actually yield a 1h sword and another 1h sword as I never try doing it). You can get extra skill points by using Elixirs. Skills can be enhanced via skillbooks (past level 4). You will get 3 stat points and 1 skill point per level up. You can also distribute Kiyan's skill points. Kiyan's stats can be distributed and redistributed (if you reset with a dice) as you wish. You can choose 2 other squad members that you can bring along with you. He and a bunch of Berkel soldiers are on the chase to kill the Channel. This time instead of saving Eara, Kiyan has to kill her after the Shadow Tribe true identity is almost revealed. When there's a rumor going on about the killing of the Channel, Eara escapes again with the help from Shin, Cornette, and Arnen soldiers. The priest is mad and secretly, planning to kill her. Eara follows her heart and saying the opposite things that the priest had given her. Because of that reason, Berkel will start a war with Arnen.

When she finally comes back to Berkel, the priest of Berkel tells her to give a speech to people that she was kidnapped by Arnen soldiers.

She's religious, (Berkel seems to be based on Christianity religion) hates war, and hates to see people dying cause of wars. Eara is the Channel of Light that won't harm people.

They often kill enemies (people) that get in their ways. The irony is that the Shadow Tribe preaches the darkness. It took him several tries to bring her back, after he convinces her that it's for the good of the people that she comes back to Berkel. The undercover Kiyan joins the knighthood of Berkel to bring Eara back. With the help from Shin and Cornette, Eara escapes to Arnen (note: Arnen is Berkel's enemy). Eara escapes from Berkel kingdom because she felt that she was used as a tool for a war to start. Kiyan, a member of Shadow Tribe, is on a mission to save the Channel of Light, Eara.
Cheats for inotia 4 assassin of berkel series#
Think it was out in US a little bit over last month? Anyways, Inotia 4: Assassin of Berkel is the newest series of Inotia.